
Hello and welcome to my blog!  This is the space where I can write what I please, and I hope you’ll have a look around, stay a while, and ask questions and make comments whenever the mood strikes you.  To give you an idea of what this blog is “about,” I give you a brief photo-essay.  This photo-essay takes the place of other, equally dorky, attempts to write something on this page that would give you a clue about me, my life, and this blog.  

  My name is Trista (yes, that’s my real name – I don’t use pseudonyms on this blog unless someone specifically requests it), and I went to university, got a job, and met a man on the internet (not necessarily in that order).  My now-husband and I moved in together six months after meeting, got engaged in Paris, and married in April 2007.



 We had a carefree, downtown-living, going out on the weekend, limited-responsibilities existence until we found out we were expecting a baby.  Then we bought our first house on the outskirts of Ottawa, Ontario (that’s Canada) which, although it is modest and suburban, we love (please note that the blue and yellow door and country-kitschy mailbox were promptly painted over upon taking ownership).  It has a huge backyard where I can garden to my heart’s content:    


Our house...in the middle of the street...

Our house...in the middle of the street...

 …and then we had the baby shortly thereafter.  You can read about the arrival of our lovely daughter Abigail Charlotte in July 2008 here.  


One day old


 The day we got to bring her home was one of our happiest, and although we faced some typical, and some not-so-typical challenges (jaundice – see the picture of the tiny carrot below – caring for a preemie, the dreaded colic) in first-time parenting, we wouldn’t change a thing.


I'm outta here

I'm outta here

    We have had many adventures as a family – road trips, zoo visits, and a first birthday: 


    Abigail is now equal parts joy and mischief, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. 

 Abigail, Sept 09

So now I juggle a family, a house, a couple of problematic cats, a full-time job, and a PhD thesis-in-progress.  I guess this blog is about, but not limited to, all of these things.  I like to think that they are important parts of who I am, but not the whole story.

A little update: Abigail became a big sister when our son, Spencer Lucas, was born on 18 December 2010.  He is our adorable, sweet boy, and now we are navigating the challenges of being a family of four.


Note about the blog’s title: this site has nothing to do with knitting.  Those familiar with recent Canadian politics (or Maritimer colloquialisms) will recognize the phrase.




  1. […] About […]

  2. She’s beautiful!

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